Thursday, November 26, 2009

I fractured my wrist when I was skiing and now I have a cast on my right hand. How do I wash my hair

I have to wrap it in a plastic bag so my cast doesn't get wet. Unfortunately, that makes washing my super-thick, super-long hair a big pain. Any tips on how to wash it?

I fractured my wrist when I was skiing and now I have a cast on my right hand. How do I wash my hair?

I just so happened to have fractured two of my fingers last year and had to have a cast on my fingers and all the way down to my wrist, so basically my whole hand was bandaged. I don't have SUPER long hair, but it's a good length. The way I did it was to basically wash my hair with my good hand. It may seem hard at first, but it gets better. Just wash your hair as usual, but one handed. It takes a little bit longer than usual, but it's the best and easiest way to do it. Hope you have a speedy recovery!

I fractured my wrist when I was skiing and now I have a cast on my right hand. How do I wash my hair?

Lather, Rinse Repeat

I fractured my wrist when I was skiing and now I have a cast on my right hand. How do I wash my hair?

Can you find oversized rubber gloves? If not, youll learn over time how to do it.

I fractured my wrist when I was skiing and now I have a cast on my right hand. How do I wash my hair?

If it is possible get a friend to wash it over the sink or bathtub

I fractured my wrist when I was skiing and now I have a cast on my right hand. How do I wash my hair?

Just don't wash it for a while.....

I fractured my wrist when I was skiing and now I have a cast on my right hand. How do I wash my hair?

the same happened to me... just use one hand, thats all i can say... and wrap the broken one really well with plastic wrap and maybe put arubber band at the top no water gets in. this really helped me

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