Thursday, November 26, 2009

My hair falling out... im 22!!!?

hello everyone, another question for you all,my hair is falling out. i used to have really thick curly hair, everytime i wash it or even put my fingers through it, it keeps coming out! i had bath tonight,%26amp;a whole hand full has come out(like a big ball of hair) i can see the root balls on the end of my hair,so i know its not breaking off. my father who passed away 6 years ago now(god rest his soul)had alopecia a year before he died at 39. he lost all his hair from stress. im not sure wether this can be genetic?? but i am really worried,will go doctors tomorrow,get blood tests done but if it is falling out is there much they can do about it as nothing stopped my dad's from falling out. im only 22 have been worrying alot over the summer and recently have been stressed and lost alot of weight. if anyone can give me advice on this one it would be much appriciated

thank you

My hair falling out... im 22!!!?

To avoid hair loss and have good healthy hair, a good nutritional diet is needed. This diet needs to be rich in organic whole foods such as fruit, vegetables, whole grains, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, nuts and seeds which are a rich

In recent times, hair loss has become a common condition, especially among men although, the exact cause of hair loss is still a mystery. Some research studies have linked hair loss with the lack of iron, the condition of the skin on the scalp, an excess of the hormone DHT and probably an under active thyroid gland.

The hair, although it is thought of as dead, is a good indicator of general health and it is the first indicator that shows signs of ill health or lack of essential vitamins and minerals within the body. Oily hair can be a sign of vitamin B deficiency, brittle or dry hair can be an indicator of essential fats deficiency, dull hair color and poor growth can be signs of zinc deficiency and hair loss can be an indicator of lack of vitamin C, vitamin B1, iron and lysine

source of vital nutrients needed for healthy hair roots and the protein keratin. Try not to skip meals, reduce salt, sugar, tea, coffee and chocolate intake, avoid stress, comb your hair gently and avoid using strong chemicals on your hair such as perms and color treatments. Vegetarians are prone to hair loss because their diet generally lacks the important nutrients, vitamin B12, iron and lysine. Vegetarians need to be aware of this and supplement their diet.

The following supplements may help if you are suffering from hair loss.

B complex

Evening primrose oil

Fish oil



Multivitamins and multiminerals

Vitamin c

I hope it helps you, it can be hormonal related problem too. Progesterone cream its very good too.

My hair falling out... im 22!!!?

Go and see the GP and see what he/she ays. If it is true alopecia then you ant do anything to stop the hair falling out. Usually it does grow back though xx

My hair falling out... im 22!!!?

Stress is the main cause, also having low iron ie: anemia can cause it. I lost alot of hair, it thinned right out due to having very low iron levels in my blood. Doctor should rule out alopecia, Even if you think you aren't stressed, your body has strange ways of dealing and showing it! Good luck, I'm sure it's nothing serious.

My hair falling out... im 22!!!?


My hair falling out... im 22!!!?

After my mom passed over I started losing a lot of hair. Then again when I was living in a really stressful situation, it happened again. So, nerves %26amp; emotions can play a part in hair loss. I went to my dermatologist who prescribed a thin, clear lotion to apply. It really helped. If you lost a lot of weight you may not have been getting enough nutrients for your hair. Call %26amp; ask your general physician first and see what he/she suggests. There are hair nutrients you can buy at the health food store, too. I know it's hard to do, but try to stay calm.

My hair falling out... im 22!!!?

Although it is probably the hardest thing to do, you need to stop worrying about it. Make an appointment to see your GP and s/he will recommend a course of action one of which may be to refer you to a trichologist (hair specialist). In the meanwhile, practise everything you know about stress-reduction techniques and eat properly taking in plenty of B vitamins; brewer's yeast (powder form from your local health store) sprinkled on your cereals or mixed with some fruit juice will help.

The same thing happened to my mum and she read up on building up her diet to prevent further loss and promote growth. If you can order this book through your library or get a copy of it otherwise, I'd recommend the section on how to tackle the problem.

My hair falling out... im 22!!!?

Are you eating a sensible diet? Are you eating enough?

If the answer to these questions is yes, then i would say its stress related.

Take up yoga, it works wonders for stress!

My hair falling out... im 22!!!?

it sounds like it could be stress making your hair fall out,and the more you stress over it the worse it will become,my hair falls out loads ,i used to worry all the time and ended up with a small bald patch,my doctor told me the more i stressed would in turn make more hair fall out,mine still falls out now and then but i tend not to worry about it too much and it does seem to help,but if aloppecia runs in the family then it is good you are getting tested,but for now try not to stress/worry ovewr it as it is a vicious cirle.

My hair falling out... im 22!!!?

I am pleased you are going to see the doctor. You do sound stressed out somehow, that causes hair loss.

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