Thursday, November 26, 2009

I love BIG...?

hair! i love my hair being big and full!

my hair is shorter in the back and long in the front! i love it crazy and wild in the back and i like it big. it looks really cute when it works! but lately... its not working! and i really want it big funky and wild again... any ideas on how to get this look back again?


I love BIG...?

Well how did you get it big before?! I guess you could curl it,crimp it,or scrunch it. Things like that make your hair big and thick. It happened to me and I miss my thin hair!!

I love BIG...?

Backcombing !! It works wonders for me. What you need to do is buy a little brush, maybe Patrick Cameron, and start at the back of your head coming upwards. Take smallish sections, lift up the piece of hair towards the sky and comb down the way, like reverse combing. Don't do it too harsh because you'll break the hair otherwise. Keep doing this until you have the effect you want, then smooth parts of the top of your hair over the backcomb and use hairspray to twig crazy bits into place. And you should get your stylist to cut short layers into the top of your hair so that this style is easier to achieve. Hope I helped! Lulu x

I love BIG...?

very cute

I love BIG...?

I would say that you would need a lot of products. After you wash your hair put in a golf ball size amount of mousse than blow dry it upside down for more volume. Then use gel and hairspray and scrunch scrunch scrunch until you get the look you were going for.

hope this helps!! =)

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