Sunday, June 20, 2010

I have fair skin,blue-grey eyes,brown hair and an oval face w/ a big forehead.What hair color should

No matter what color you go for...make sure you wear bangs or a swoop to keep your perfect oval shape by concealing your big forehead...your eye color will stand out w/dark I suggest you stay brown or go darker and add highlights if darker hair is too boring for you

I have fair skin,blue-grey eyes,brown hair and an oval face w/ a big forehead.What hair color should I go for?

a brown paper bag

I have fair skin,blue-grey eyes,brown hair and an oval face w/ a big forehead.What hair color should I go for?

you should have dirty blonde hair or blonde and light brown streaks

I have fair skin,blue-grey eyes,brown hair and an oval face w/ a big forehead.What hair color should I go for?

Lets see...that sounds pretty much like me, only i have darker, taned skin, and i dyed the top of my hair a light brown with blonde highlights and the lower part of my hair a warm dark brown! I love it and i get so many complements on it!!!

I have fair skin,blue-grey eyes,brown hair and an oval face w/ a big forehead.What hair color should I go for?

idk but seriously consider side-swept bangs if your forehead is that big!

I have fair skin,blue-grey eyes,brown hair and an oval face w/ a big forehead.What hair color should I go for?

i think a light brown, or dirty blonde color would look great with your complexion and eye hue. I also think you should have wavy hair or mildly curly to add more bounce and zest to the hair, and so the big forehead is less big, or not as noticeable. To add to that, i think very light blonde highlights would look good, or dark brown highlights.

I have fair skin,blue-grey eyes,brown hair and an oval face w/ a big forehead.What hair color should I go for?

if you have a big forehead maybe you should consider bangs? they are hot and really in at the moment and are great for disguising big foreheads! I think dark brown hair would look nice with your eyes!

I have fair skin,blue-grey eyes,brown hair and an oval face w/ a big forehead.What hair color should I go for?

i like brown hair with blue eyes personally. but since your skintone is light, you can go blonder or darker or reder depending on the look you like (dark browns, blacks or reds will give you a more striking look and lighter for a softer look)

if your big forehead bothers you, do not part your hair in the middle, try parting it on the side and getting a side swept fringe/bangs that will look great, layered with your hair and make your forehead look porportional to your other features

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