Sunday, June 20, 2010

If I start to workout and my arms start to get big - does the hair thin out alot or drop out on them

Im 21 year old male and I have somewhat of a skinny frame with hairy arms - which I don't like. However, what I was wondering is if I start to workout and my arms start to get big - does the hair thin out alot or drop out?

If I start to workout and my arms start to get big - does the hair thin out alot or drop out on them?

Uhm no, it wont. If you dont like the hair wax it bro or shave it.

If I start to workout and my arms start to get big - does the hair thin out alot or drop out on them?

haha I don't think so man...

If I start to workout and my arms start to get big - does the hair thin out alot or drop out on them?

Bodybuilders have to deal with the problem of body hair too, so working out does nothing for body hair.

You can wax, which DOES gradually thin the hair. You can shave, which makes the hair that grows back thicker.

Or you can look into laser hair removal, which, if I'm not mistaken, is a semi-expensive procedure but makes it so the area of your body that you get lasered doesn't grow hair again. Take a look at this:

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