Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Is hair removal a big hassell?

i dotn mean in the procedure itself....but like in making doctor visits and filling out forms and stuff???

Is hair removal a big hassell?

I dont understand your question. Why would hair removal have anything to do with filling out forms. What part of your body do you hold a pen with? thats what I'm wondering.

Is hair removal a big hassell?

It isn't a big hassel, it is just a slight of time consuming...but it is well worth it. For you or your gf/bf/both.

Have fun and good luck!!!

Is hair removal a big hassell?

are you talking about things like laser and electrolysis? if so, then no not really. I see my dermatologist for my laser treatments. just like any other visit to see them.

I think hair itself is more of a big hassle than the removal part. If I didn't have so much of it, I wouldn't care!

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