Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My hair is falling out BIG TIME!!!!!!?

im 25 and had a baby 3 months ago and my hair is falling out ALOT is this normal or something else!!!

My hair is falling out BIG TIME!!!!!!?

Many moms-to-be do find that their hair is thicker. But you're not actually growing more hair; you're just losing it more slowly than you usually do.

Here's what's going on: Normally, 85 to 95 percent of the hair on your head is growing and the other 5 to 15 percent is in a resting stage. After the resting period, this hair falls out (often while you're brushing or shampooing your hair) and is replaced by new growth. The average woman sheds about 100 hairs a day.

During pregnancy, higher levels of estrogen make the growing stage longer, so fewer hairs are in the resting stage and fewer are falling out each day, and you have thicker, more luxuriant tresses. (After you give birth, though, your estrogen levels drop and more hair will enter the resting stage and fall out.) Some women also notice that their hair changes in texture or becomes shinier.

Not all pregnant women notice dramatic changes in their hair before and after giving birth, though. Among those who do, the changes tend to be more obvious in women with longer hair.

My hair is falling out BIG TIME!!!!!!?

that started happening to my mom and she found out it was because of a thyroid problem, but i don't know if it has anything to do with pregnancy, talk to a doctor.

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